Amanda's (a penny for your) thoughts

"I can't believe it................That is why you fail."                "Take you to him I will." 

"It's one of those days when you learn to fly...with broken wings"


Friday, February 11, 2005

Once Upon a Friday Morning

Well its been an interesting week with work and surgery. Work was busy but ok. I had some issues with co-workers ( well one in particular) but learned a lot about myself. I need to be more confident because I have the most important One on my side. Even when others don't want to do their job and therefore make mine more difficult, I can't let that make me feel like a bad nurse. I got the highest compliment last night when I worked---from a patient. She wanted to tell my supervisor that I was a good nurse. And to tell you the truth, I couldn't do a lot for her, I just did all I could, even when I grew frustrated that I could nothing for her pain.
On a different topic, I decided to participate in Lent because I need to focus on what the Lord has done for me. I need to be thankful and look expectantly to the future, knowing God will do great things in me and through me. I watched The Passion of the Christ for a point to look forward to when I want the thing I am fasting from. He faced opposition just as I do today, but so much more. I do not worship a Christ who does not sympathsize with my weaknesses. He knows them all too well and conquered them. I pray God will ease all the silly worries I have as I look expectantly to the Christ who suffered, died, and conquered death for me.