Amanda's (a penny for your) thoughts

"I can't believe it................That is why you fail."                "Take you to him I will." 

"It's one of those days when you learn to fly...with broken wings"


Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Se...No Habla Espanol

Since I have at least one Spanish speaking patient a week I am picking up on the Espanol, a little (pequito). None are complete without the motioning and mild stuttering and speaking loud even though the patient can HEAR you. Top 10 Spanish words/ phrases for the hospital:

1) Bano (bathroom) crucial for the most basic of functions
2) Sangre (blood) ---good for drawing blood so the patient doesnt retaliate
3) Todo bien (everything ok) not complete without a thumbs up sign
4) Tu bien ( you ok) same as above
5) Dulor (pain) point to area because I don't remember high school spanish body parts
6) Yo soy.....( good for introductions)
7) Eschucar (listen) I don't have any idea what the word is for lungs or heart
8) Estramiento (constipation)
9) Diarrhea (this is is pretty self explanatory)
10) Agua (water)

Here's a some I am working on:
1) Do you need anything? ( I was told what this was but I can't say it right)
2) Can you rate your pain?
3) Trouble breathing?
4) Saline Flush( All I say now is IV agua)